Topic outline
Interpreting is the oral form of translation between languages. This allows people from different parts of the world to communicate across language barriers.
We provide interpretation services for any kind of possible domain and setting, from hospitals and gold mines to diplomatic negociations and International Organizations fact-finding missions.
Translation and interpretation are two very different expressions. The interpreter and the translator have two different opportunities. The former needs to be a good listener and speaker, the latter, a good reader and writer.
Though no language can encode thoughts exactly, unambiguously and completely, we must constantly make inferences from available contexts (i.e. other knowledge, beliefs and perceptions). That is why we are called interpreters, because we provide a mediated exchange between individuals.
We understand the choice for interpretation is a personal and subjective decision. We work hard before, during and after to make sure that language barrier do not represent a factor that will distance the participants. We strive to make the event flawless because we understand how important communication is to everyone.
- Conferences
- Courses and Workshops
- Fact-finding missions
- Press Conferences
- Audits
- State luncheons
- Webinars
- Online Meetings
- Escort/Travel Interpreting
- Seminars
Our primary goal is the faithful communication between all parties. Over the years, we have interpreted for hundreds of events and helped thousands of people communicate with their counterparts.
We work with a team of premium interpreters and technical staff to make the event successful. Our interpreters are responsible for mediating communication between people of different languages. We aim to bridge cultural gaps, provide real-time oral interpretation, reframing messages culturally and cognitively.
Be it online or in person meetings, our team of excellent professionals is ready to make sure communications between languages is not an issue. Our team includes interpretaters between language pairs such as Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. We also have experience in organizing interpretation for events and international forums.
Curso JB has a team of intepreters who are members of the most prestigious association of interpreters and translators in the world. Our biggest concern is the quality of our interpreters.
Over the years, we have interpreted for many institutions and organizations, both in Brazil and abroad.
Here are some organizations with which we have worked.
Conference interpreters are usually contracted by the day (up to 6 hours). The Brazilian Translator’s and Interpreter´s Union provides general good practices and rates on their website (click here - SINTRA). If the event lasts more than 6 hours, overtime fees are due.Because of great concentration required at all times, interpreters work in teams of two or more per language pair.
Interpreters fees include preparation time, as well as taxes and social security contributions for the profession. The fees cover the duration of the event (even when they are on standby) as they cannot accept alternative work for the period.
It is important to provide the interpreters with relevant documents as early as possible. In addition to the meeting agenda and any written speeches, interpreters welcome curricula vitae of key speakers, the names of the officers of the Organisation with their respective titles, minutes of previous meetings on the same or similar subjects, as well as any other useful background information. If documents are to be circulated during a meeting, it is recommended that interpreters receive a copy beforehand.
Good sound quality in venues is essential in simultaneous interpretation. Poor sound causes unnecessary stress and fatigue, both to participants and to interpreters. Good sound depends on many factors, such as: proper sound equipment; good dedicated conference microphones; good quality, lightweight earphones; adequate room acoustics; sufficient internet and computer capabilities.
Acoustic feedback and echoes in the meeting rooms may impair simultaneous interpretation, especially in virtual meetings.
Before any technical conference, it is advisable to organise a briefing session with the interpreters and the key speakers at the meeting and/or an expert officer of the Organisation. Interpreters should be able to ask questions on contents, terminology and procedures so as to have clarified any key aspect about the meeting ahead.
If slides or transparencies are to be shown and require interpretation, interpreters should have a clear view of the screen. Interpreters should receive a script or a copy of the texts and pictures to be projected beforehand.
If films are to be shown and require interpretation, interpreters should receive a copy of the script. For the dialogues to be interpreted, the film sound-track must be fed directly into the interpreters earphones, i.e. not through microphones in the room.
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